Updated Advice: Coronavirus 23.3.2020 Dear Parents and Guardians,...
خبرنامه CCPS برای هفته 6 اکنون آنلاین است ...
خبرنامه هفته هفتم هم اکنون در دسترس است ...
خبرنامه هفته پنجم CCPS هم اکنون به صورت آنلاین در دسترس است. ...
خبرنامه هفته چهارم هم اکنون آنلاین است. ...
خبرنامه هفته سوم CCPS اکنون در دسترس است ...
خبرنامه هفته دوم اکنون آنلاین است ...
خبرنامه هفته اول به صورت آنلاین در دسترس است ...
خبرنامه CCPS برای هفته 11 اکنون در دسترس است. ...
خبرنامه CCPS اکنون در دسترس است. ...
خبرنامه هفته نهم هم اکنون در دسترس است. ...
خبرنامه CCPS برای این هفته اکنون به صورت آنلاین در دسترس است. ...
خبرنامه CCPS اکنون در دسترس است ...
خبرنامه این هفته هم اکنون به صورت آنلاین در دسترس است. ...
خبرنامه CCPS برای هفته پنجم هم اکنون به صورت آنلاین در دسترس است. ...
خبرنامه CCPS برای هفته 4 اکنون زنده است. ...
خبرنامه CCPS برای هفته 3 هم اکنون به صورت آنلاین در دسترس است ...
به خبرنامه CCPS برای سال 2022 خوش آمدید. خبرنامه هفته دوم در زیر موجود است. ...
خبرنامه هفته یازدهم هم اکنون در دسترس است ...
لطفاً از اطلاعات زیر در مورد ساعات تماس دفتر در تعطیلات مدرسه مطلع شوید. یادآوری، کودکان بنیاد از ساعت 12 بعد ...
خبرنامه هفته 10 کل مدرسه اکنون آنلاین است. ...
خبرنامه مدرسه برای هفته نهم اکنون آنلاین است. ...
خبرنامه CCPS برای هفته هشتم اکنون آنلاین است ...
خبرنامه CCPS برای هفته 7 اکنون به صورت آنلاین در دسترس است ...
خبرنامه CCPS برای هفته 6 اکنون در دسترس است ...
خبرنامه هفته پنجم هم اکنون آنلاین است ...
خبرنامه هفته چهارم اکنون آنلاین است ...
خبرنامه هفته سوم هم اکنون در دسترس است ...
خبرنامه هفته دوم برای مشاهده در دسترس است ...
خبرنامه هفته اول هم اکنون در دسترس است ...
خبرنامه هفته دهم به صورت آنلاین در دسترس است ...
خبرنامه هفته نهم به صورت آنلاین در دسترس است ...
کل خبرنامه مدرسه برای هفته هشتم اکنون به صورت آنلاین در دسترس است ...
نامه ای در تاریخ 11/8/2021 در خصوص اعلام تمدید قرنطینه ارسال شد. [embeddoc url="http://www.cranbournecarlisleps.vic.edu.au/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/Lockdo...
خبرنامه هفته پنجم هم اکنون به صورت آنلاین در دسترس است. ...
آخرین خبرنامه کل مدرسه اکنون برای مشاهده در دسترس است ...
آخرین خبرنامه مدرسه اکنون در دسترس است ...
آخرین خبرنامه مدرسه اکنون در دسترس است ...
طبق آخرین توصیه های دولت، از جمعه 16 جولای به آموزش از راه دور باز می گردیم. برای خانواده هایی که نیاز به نظارت د...
خبرنامه هفته نهم به صورت آنلاین در دسترس است https://sway.office.com/sXWDxzDc4OvNeLKB?ref=Link ...
خبرنامه کل مدرسه هفته هشتم اکنون به صورت آنلاین در دسترس است ...
لطفاً آخرین به روز رسانی آموزش از راه دور خانم وب را در زیر بیابید. [embeddoc url="http://www.cranbournecarlisleps.vic.edu.au/wp-content/uploads/...
کل خبرنامه مدرسه برای این هفته اکنون زنده است. https://sway.office.com/ISwRb9kWRRFdhkjK?ref=Link ...
لطفا آخرین خبرنامه ما را اینجا بیابید https://sway.office.com/0OPx9VDYpbYAtBSM?ref=Link ...
لطفا از آخرین خبرنامه کل مدرسه ما لذت ببرید https://sway.office.com/ScQ1cckG0u7Z5dem?ref=Link ...
خبرنامه هفته سوم هم اکنون زنده است https://sway.office.com/tpM0Os7ee9mgydg2?ref=Link ...
به خبرنامه مدرسه ظاهر جدید ما خوش آمدید. میتوانید در زیر پیمایش کنید یا روی پیوند کلیک کنید تا به صفحه وب بروی...
برای شروع ترم 2 به CCPS خوش آمدید. لطفاً برخی از به روز رسانی های مهم مدرسه را در خبرنامه ما در زیر بیابید. [embeddoc ur...
روز جهانی آگاهی از اوتیسم - 2 آوریلnd 2021 ماه جهانی آگاهی از اوتیسم آوریل و 2 آوریل استnd is World Autism Awareness Day. I thought it m...
Term 1 is flying by! We are already halfway through the term and it is flying by! There are so many exciting things happening at school and I think we are all loving having our students at school e...
Our latest school newsletter is available for viewing below. [embeddoc url="http://www.cranbournecarlisleps.vic.edu.au/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/Newsletter-Week-6.pdf"]...
Please find the latest CCPS newsletter update below. [embeddoc url="http://www.cranbournecarlisleps.vic.edu.au/wp-content/uploads/2021/02/newsletter-week-5.pdf"]...
School Lockdown Information, 12 February 2021 Please find the letter sent home regarding the return to stage 4 restrictions here For those who meet the criteria, the onsite supervision request for...
Please find our latest School Newsletter below [embeddoc url="http://www.cranbournecarlisleps.vic.edu.au/wp-content/uploads/2021/02/Parent-Newsletter-Week-3.pdf"]...
The First Blog of 2021 Welcome back! I hope you all had a fantastic holiday with lots of time for relaxation and family and fun. I spent a lot of time with my new granddaughter, Goldie, which w...
Our school collects, uses, discloses and stores student and parent personal information for standard school functions or where permitted by law, as stated in the Schools’ Privacy Policy. Please ...
Dear CCPS Families, You are an essential part of our school community and we need parents and carers to be part of the decision making that impacts upon every child’s experience at our school...
Please find the latest newsletter update below. [embeddoc url="http://www.cranbournecarlisleps.vic.edu.au/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/14.12.2020-Newsletter.pdf"] 14.12.2020 Newsletter...
The Last Blog of 2020 What a year it has been! While it is easy to focus on some of the stressful, frightening events of the past year, I am choosing to focus on the positives that have come out of 2...
As we head towards the holiday period, please find some information regarding the wellbeing support available to students and families during this period. [embeddoc url="http://www.cranbournecarlis...
Log on for the Parent Information session Wednesday 25/11 at 7pm. Register here- https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_0vAzWzeVQn2sE9YsQpma2Q [embeddoc url="http://www.cranbournecarli...
So Much Happening! There has been so much happening over the last few weeks at CCPS. Last week was NAIDOC Week with the theme: Always Was, Always Will Be. This week was an opportunity to celebra...
15.11.2020 Dear parents, carers and guardians, Please find below a message from our Victorian Chief Health Officer, Brett Sutton to help keep us all safe. Yours sincerely, Nicky Walker ...
Read the latest principal's blog post below ...
Wellbeing at CCPS How a School Should Look! It has been so wonderful to see all our children back at school! That is how a school should look: all those happy faces, laughing with their ...
Coming Back to School Welcome back to Term 4. We are delighted to be seeing all our Cranbourne Carlisle PS students next Monday, actually face to face! It feels like we have all worked so hard ...
Please find this week's Wellbeing Weekly parent resource below. [embeddoc url="http://www.cranbournecarlisleps.vic.edu.au/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/Wellbeing-Weekly-Parent-Resource-.pdf" viewer="g...
Positive Benefits I hope you are all travelling as well as you can and are looking after yourselves. I have participated in a number of sessions this week that have really focused on the positive...
CORONAVIRUS AND CHILDREN IN AUSTRALIA. Coronavirus (COVID-19) and children in Australia Website reference: https://raisingchildren.net.au/guides/coronavirus-covid-19-guide/coronavirus-and-c...
Tune in to our latest whole school assembly. ...
Wellbeing at CCPS Eid Mubarak I know I am a little late but things got very busy all of a sudden! However I hope our families who celebrated Eid a couple of weeks ago were able to enjoy the ev...
10.08.2020 Dear Parents/Carers, In line with the updated Department of Education Guidelines, please find the updated onsite attendance form that is now required for your children to attend onsite....
During these current times where we are spending more time than ever before at home, managing screen time, health and wellbeing can become a difficult balance for families. The Victorian Department of...
We invite families to read the following resource to support communication in the home. https://parents.au.reachout.com/skills-to-build/connecting-and-communicating/things-to-try-effective-communic...
Wellbeing at CCPS Term 3 changes Unfortunately we start the term with remote learning again and this will bring about a variety of feelings in both children and adults. I know teachers were di...
Unfortunately we are not able to run physical school tours at the moment. Please enjoy this virtual tour to learn more about our school....
Dear Parents/Guardians, As you are most likely aware on Tuesday afternoon Victorian Premier, Daniel Andrews, announced changes to the commencement of Term 3 for all students in Victoria. The Depar...
Dear Parents/Carers, I would like to express my sincere thanks to all members of our school community for continuing to work together and follow the advice from the Department of Health and Human S...
Enjoy our Online Assembly to finish off a very different Term 2 here at CCPS. ...
Introduction Wellbeing is an integral part of what we do at CCPS. There is so much happening in this area and we needed a forum to make sure families know what is available to support them and ...
Our Amazing School Community It has been wonderful watching the students settle back into on-site school. Our students have displayed such incredible resilience adapting to remote learning and then...
National Reconciliation Week is celebrated across Australia each year between 27 May and 3 June. The theme for 2020 is, In this together. In 2B we used this as a time to listen to Indigenous sto...
The children in 2B have been busy researching an animal of their choice. Using the internet and lots of non-fiction texts for information, they took notes, planned, drafted, edited, and revised their ...
After 6 long weeks of learning at home and seeing each other through a screen, we are finally back at C.C.P.S! It has been...
We were very excited this morning to welcome back our Foundation, Year 1 and Year 2 children. We look forward to having the Years 3-6 children join us on site from Tuesday 9 June. The return to...
Dear Parents and Carers of Foundation to Grade 2 students, Please find below some more detailed advice around the procedures for student drop off and pick up. The school will give consideratio...
Thanks to Miss Belisario for putting this together!...
Dear parents and carers, As you are aware, the situation regarding coronavirus (COVID-19) continues to evolve. I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your support during t...
Dear Parents and Guardians, I apologise for the need to give you so much information over a short period of time but I am sure you will appreciate that these circumstances are unprecedent...
Dear parents and carers, As you are aware, the Victorian Government, with the support of the Victorian Chief Health Officer, has announced that school holidays will be brought forward to begin on T...
Updated Advice: Coronavirus 23.3.2020 Dear Parents and Guardians, Ag...
Updated Advice: Coronavirus 22.3.20 Dear Parents and Guardians, Than...
The children in Year 2 worked very hard to prepare and perform their fabulous Assembly last week. Since then, they have been busy drafting, editing, revising and publishing their recounts. ...
The children in 2B have spent time outside this week, completing their work, reading and listening to stories. We hope the weather stays fine so we can continue to enjoy the outdoors. ...
We had lots of fun going outside to estimate and measure the length of different things in the playground. We used different measuring tools such as rulers, handspans, cars, paper, and scrapbooks. ...
Dear Parents and Guardians, Our priority at Cranbourne Carlisle Primary School is the health and safety of our school community. We are being provided with the latest advice from the Department ...
Each day we have been practicing writing CVC words on the mini whiteboards. We’ve learnt 12 sounds so far and this week we revised these sounds. The children need to segment and blend the words and...
If you have a Health Care Card and, Are new to our School Have a child who started in Foundation in 2020 Or have recently been issued with a Health Care Card Contact the school office to...
Dear families, The Commonwealth Government has updated travel restrictions this week. The extension to existing travel restrictions now applies to visitors from Republic of Korea, Italy, Iran an...
The children designed their own play centres and then wrote about the things that were in them. They had a lot of fun discussing their favourite things to have in their play centres. ...
The children in 2B have been busy collecting data and using it to create graphs. Some of their amazing work is displayed on our classroom door, so please make sure you pop in and have a look! ...
We have been learning about the Zones of Regulation which is a framework for teaching children about self regulation and self control. Each Zone is a different colour and represents different emotions...
This week we made our second set of books. The children cut out and coloured the pages. The ‘I can’ book is easy to read with repetitive sight words and pictures to match. ...
The children have been discussing about healthy food choices. Having brain food helps children to stay focused for a longer period of time. During the discussion children brought their attention about...
The children have been exploring the place value especially from 0-100 as ones, tens and hundreds. They were able to use their experiences to set hundred charts using randomly cut out hundred chart pi...
The children identified pairs of numbers to make ten. They put these numbers as a rainbow. ...
School Photos are being taken on Tuesday 10 March. Children should be in full school summer uniform, with hair neatly tied back. ...
Our Year 2 children had so much fun revising their number skills with 'subitizing' in maths. ‘Subitizing’ is instantly recognising the number of objects in a small group without having to count t...
Wow, what a great start, welcome back to the children in Year 2!!! Children in 2A have made a wonderful start to the school year. They have familiarised themselves to the Year 2 space and all the o...
An important part of our school day is having brain breaks and learning about mindfulness. One way we do this is through yoga. We have used Cosmic Kids to participate in yoga sessions as these tell a ...
So far we have been learning the letters s,a,t,p,i,m,b,o,n with a focus on their sounds. A favourite activity in FD is the letter find challenge. Two children at a time compete to find the letter soun...
Today we had our first sustained reading session. This is when the children sit quietly and read books from their individual book boxes. They each have a whisper phone that they can speak into so the ...
Please note the following dates for the year! ...
School Council Congratulations to the following members are duly elected to our School Council: 2020 Name Status Notes Erica Lane 2 years start 2020 Cassandra Samantz...
Congratulations to the following members who are duly elected to our CCPS School Council: Mick Sweeney- DET representative Erica Lane- Parent representative We still require 2 more parent nom...
A quick update to inform everyone in the school community that the precautionary measures remain in place. There are no changes to the existing advice regarding anyone who has returned from mainlan...
A quick update to inform everyone in the school community that the precautionary measures remain in place. There are no changes to the existing advice regarding anyone who has returned from mainlan...
Cranbourne Carlisle Primary School was impacted by heavy rain late Friday afternoon that caused major water leaks in the Admin building and minor water ingress in various other locations around the sc...
We had lots of fun making Adjective Glasses today. An adjective describes what something is like. When the children were wearing their Adjective Glasses it was amazing how many adjectives they ...
The children in 2B have settled into their new classroom. They have been very busy doing lots of different activities to assist them to get to know each other and to foster respect and collaboration...
Settling into Foundation A What a wonderful start all of the Foundation children have had! We are so excited to have them at school. ...
Dear Parents/Carers, We would like to notify you of the change in times throughout the day in case you need to pick up your child early or drop off their lunch etc. 8.50am - Students can enter t...
Dear Parents/Carers, In February of 2020, Cranbourne Carlisle Primary School will hold School Council elections for parents and staff. All government schools in Victoria have a school council. T...
Dear Parents/Carers, Welcome back to school. I trust you all had a restful and fun-filled holiday. Students and teachers have all returned bright and eager, ready for a fabulous year of lear...
Dear Parents/Carers, As you may be aware, the situation regarding the emerging outbreak of novel coronavirus has continued to evolve. We will continue to communicate updates as they arrive through ...
Dear Parents and Guardians, I welcome all students back from the holidays and I hope and trust that everyone has had a restful and relaxing break. We remember at these times those members of our...
Happy holidays to everyone! I would like to thank the staff, students and parents and the whole Cranbourne Carlisle Primary School community for being so friendly and welcoming to me as your new pr...
It is with great sadness that at the end of the year we say goodbye to some wonderful teachers. We wish Jessica Spinucci, Amy Mepstead, Michelle Simons and Stuart McDonald all the best for the futu...
It is with great sadness that at the end of the year we say goodbye to some wonderful teachers. We wish Jessica Spinucci, Amy Mepstead, Michelle Simons and Stuart McDonald all the best for the futu...
CCPS is participating in No Pens Day. Classes will be enjoying a day of 'No Pens/Pencils' fun on Thursday 21 November. Classes will be putting down their pens/pencils for the day to participate in...
This is a magical place just where do I begin? Seeing little ones in Foundation like Olie or Arman with such big grins. I ...
At Cranbourne Carlisle Primary School we thrive off a respectful curiosity of our diverse backgrounds. Please take some time to view our Dragon Dynasty Festival video. This was the school's fifth ...
This week at CCPS we are participating in National eSmart Week. As a recognised eSmart school, we are participating in eSmart Week to show our commitment to developing an eSmart Australia, where every...
Hello, hello! It's been a little while since my last post. As you may have heard I will be finishing at Cranbourne Carlisle at the end of this term. The last few weeks have been filled with meetings...
Do you know someone looking to enrol their child in 2020? We are currently taking enrolments for Foundation in 2020. If your child is starting school next year please contact the School Office t...
در کلاس های درس ما از وقت صبح استفاده می کنیم تا به بچه ها کمک کنیم تا با تمرکز بر آرامش و سازماندهی روز خود را...
به وبلاگ مدیر خوش آمدید. این پست برای همه خانواده های ما با دو یا چند فرزند ارسال می شود. من خودم سه فرزند خردسا...
فرزندپروری یک شغل استرس زا و خسته کننده است. حداقل این مال منه! همانطور که چالشهای فرزندپروری را تحمل می...
از آنجایی که کودکان بنیاد از 100 روز جشن های مدرسه در کلاس لذت بردند، جشن ها در STEM هفته گذشته ادامه یافت. ما عدد 100...
Parents and carers, children and staff all share responsibility for ensuring that Cranbourne Carlisle Primary School is a positive, respectful, inclusive and safe school environment. Adults have a par...
به عنوان یک رهبر مدرسه، تسهیل تفکر و فرصتهای رشد مهم است. همانطور که در مونتاژ هفته گذشته اشاره کردم، ما در حا...
ما می خواهیم والدینمان به ما بگویند که آنها چه فکر می کنند! مدرسه ما در حال انجام یک نظرسنجی است تا ببیند والد...
ترم 3 با صدای بلند شروع شد، زیرا پنج دقیقه بعد از روز اول تخلیه آتش سوزی داشتیم! خوشبختانه برای ما تخلیه نتیجه ی...
در روز جمعه 21 ژوئن مدرسه ما فرهنگ بومی را از طریق جیمبانا جشن گرفت. این روز ویژه بخشی از مجموعههای ارتباط فره...
یک اصطلاح موفق دیگر برای باشگاه صبحانه! دیدن کودکانی که زودتر به مدرسه میرسند تا صبحانه را با همسالان خود تقس...
به روز رسانی: ورزش های فضای باز (فوتبال، کریکت و تی بال) به دلیل آب و هوا لغو شده است....
دوشنبه و سهشنبه این هفته من این افتخار را داشتم که در کنفرانس رهبری ایالتی آموزش و پرورش با آقای کاس دستیار م...
بنیاد آس یک بنیاد غیر انتفاعی است که به کودکان در شهر کیسی کمک می کند. آنها با مهربانی یک کتاب را به تمام سطوح ...
هفته آشتی ملی فرصتی را برای فرزندان ما فراهم کرده است تا بیشتر بر فرهنگ بومی استرالیا تمرکز کنند. این شامل تمام...
هفته گذشته جلسات Voice N Choice خود را آغاز کردیم. بچه های سال 3 تا 6 طیفی از موضوعات را شناسای...
هفته آموزش 2019 بر مشاغل متمرکز است، بنابراین فکر کردم شاید جالب باشد که آنچه را که قبل از شروع روز مدرسه اتفاق م...
یک تشکر بزرگ از کسانی که در چای عصرانه روز مادر ما شرکت کردند. ما مشتاقانه منتظر همه فرصت ها هستیم تا به عنوان ی...
همانطور که اکنون به ترم دوم وارد شده ایم، همه بچه ها باید لباس زمستانی داشته باشند. انتظار برای پسرها شلوار یا ...
لطفاً حتماً خط مشی تکلیف خانگی 2019 به روز شده ما را بخوانید. همانطور که در شورای مدرسه دیشب بحث شد. ...
به عنوان بخشی از صدا & برنامه انتخابی من یک باشگاه عکاسی را اداره خواهم کرد. اگر دوربین دیجیتال قدیمی در خانه ...
دیروز لذت پیوستن به بچه های سال ششم و معلمانشان را در کمپ دره میل رنچ داشتم. بچهها لحظات فوقالعادهای را سپ...
پیامی از خانم مویر مبنی بر اینکه شماره 3 باشگاه کتاب اسکولاستیک در روز چهارشنبه 8th ماه مه باز خواهد گشت. چه: فر...
یادداشتی با فرزند بزرگتر در روز سه شنبه 30 آوریل به خانه می رود ...
امروز کودکان سال ششم توسط تعدادی از بازیکنان AFL از باشگاه فوتبال ملبورن دیدار کردند. این شامل بازیکنان ناتان ج...
دیروز خانم مپستد و من برای خدمات روز RSL ANZAC در سنوتاف کرنبورن در میدان گرگ کلایددیل به زیلیاو تمیم پیوستیم. بچه ...
برای اولین بار ما را تبریک میگوییم جایزه همیشه ANZAC Spirit. هر سال یک فرزند جدید این افتخار عالی را دریافت می کند و...
ممکن است اخیراً مقاله ای را در رسانه ها در رابطه با محدوده مدارس مشاهده کرده باشید. ثبت نام یک کودک در یک مدرسه ...
امروز از ساعت 2:30 بعد از ظهر برای اولین مونتاژ ANZAC ما به ما بپیوندید. ما از بچه های سال ششم خود خواهیم شنید که مجل...
باشگاه تکالیف آکادمیک کیسی یک فرصت رایگان برای کودکان محلی است تا از حمایت های آموزشی بیشتری بهره مند شوند. لط...
رژه سالانه کلاه عید پاک ما در این جمعه در ساعت 9:10 صبح در ورزشگاه برگزار می شود. این رویداد برای کل جامعه ما باز ا...
باشگاه صبحانه امسال به سرعت شروع شده است! با تشکر فراوان از کارکنان کمک کننده هفتگی و یاوران داوطلب جان، شارین...
به عنوان یک مدرسه هوشمند الکترونیکی، ما احساس می کنیم بسیار مهم است که والدین از کارهایی که فرزندانشان به صورت...
ما برای نظر شما ارزش قائلیم ما خوشحالیم که فرصتی برای بازخورد والدین فراهم می کنیم. "از من به آنها بگویید" ی...
تعدادی از کودکان پس از ابتلا به بیماری های استفراغ و/یا اسهال خیلی زود به مدرسه بازگشته اند. این بدان معناست ک...
از سیاست یکنواخت کرنبورن کارلایل: به والدین یادآوری میشود که گوشوارههای میخی و تختخوابهایی که در لاله...
آیا پسر یا دختر شما علاقه مند به فوتبال در سال 2019 است؟ اگر در شب انجمن ما بودید، رئیس تیم، کالین مور، که مدافع ...
SchoolPix در روز سهشنبه ۱۲ مارس اینجا خواهد بود نکات روز عکس: لباس: لباس مدرسه تابستانی کامل. هر پوشش سر باید ب...
یادآوری اینکه فردا شب سه شنبه 19 فوریه شب اجتماعی سالانه ما است، امیدواریم همه شما را آنجا ببینیم. شب از ساعت 5 ت...
ما اخطاری از یک مورد تایید شده آبله مرغان در کرنبورن کارلایل دریافت کردیم. این یک مورد مجزا در این مرحله است، ا...
بنیاد ACE مفتخر است که با برنامه عینک برای کودکان در کمک به کودکان شهر کیسی شریک است. بنیاد ACE خرسند است به شما اط...
به خانواده ها یادآوری می شود که پنجشنبه آینده 21 فوریه روز برنامه درسی است. کودکان در این روز نباید به مدرسه برو...
به خانواده ها یادآوری می شود که پنجشنبه آینده 21 فوریه روز برنامه درسی است. کودکان در این روز نباید به مدرسه برو...
لطفاً برای اطلاعات در مورد انتخابات شورای مدرسه و نحوه شرکت در این وب سایت به صفحه شورای مدرسه این وب سایت مراج...
هزینه مدرسه از بسیاری از والدینی که پرداخت هزینه های ضروری مدرسه را نهایی کرده اند، یا برنامه پرداختی را با د...
ما هیجان زده هستیم که بگوییم وب سایت جدید ما تقریباً تکمیل شده است! این سایت دارای وبلاگ های کلاسی کاملاً جدید...
از جمعه 8 فوریه، سفارش ناهار Flexischool از سر گرفته می شود. ناهار باید به صورت آنلاین از طریق Flexischools سفارش داده شود...
اولین شماره برای سال 2019 هم اکنون منتشر شد! سفارشات باید تا دوشنبه 11 فوریه ثبت شوند. ...
در کرنبورن کارلایل، ما معتقدیم که کلید یک کودک موفق، حمایت مدرسه، خانواده و جامعه گستردهتر است. ما گروه های ا...