
As a school we are an eSmart school, meaning we promote the message to be ‘Smart, Safe and Responsible’ in everything we do online. Children and families continue to increase their use of technology and opportunities to interact online. With these increasing opportunities comes an increased level of responsibility.

It is a part of our role to educate children to be the best online citizens they can be.

Through our work as an eSmart school, we recognise the important role that schools play in ensuring that children understand the acceptable way to use connected technologies and to interact with others. By educating all children on what it means to be ‘smart, safe and responsible’ we work to protect the wellbeing of all both at school and at home. The eSmart message is one that is shared by all staff in the school.

Each term as part of our Cranbourne Carlisle Community (CCC) program, students work through an eSafety lesson based on these 4 areas, Cyber Safety, Digital Awareness, Digital Responsibility, Digital Citizenship.  These lessons are developed with each year level to specifically look at what they need as learners and users of technology. Our Year 6 students complete an online Digital Licencing program that provides 4 modules around the areas of online safety.  Students work through these sessions with their classroom teachers discussing issues, topics and concerns that can come when we work online.

We also involve students in year level discussions and opportunities for families to attend information sessions around cyber safety support at home.

If you have concerns about online activities involving your child please discuss with your classroom teacher.
Please note: All children bringing mobile devices to school are to drop them off at the Library before school (this includes smart watches).

For more information about eSmart see

